Tuesday, June 8, 2010

green smoothie

Start your day with a green smoothie for natural energy.  Greens help balance your mood, weight, and are packed with skin beautifying nutrients. 

1. add in fruit (like berries)
2. Add in water
3. Add in Green (like kale- de-stemmed)
4. Blend

I also like to add some protein powder to get some protein with it, if I'm not going to eat protein with my shake. 
I know the color looks a little scary, but it tastes sweet.
Start with more fruit and as your taste changes decrease the amount of fruit you add and increase the greens.

And if you have not gotten these great cups from Costco I highly recommend them.  I'm trying to resist getting another set, but I keep having to wash them so often because I use them daily for my shakes, green tea, and water.  It is so nice not to have to worry about using a coaster and it keeps things cold.

I also recommend drinking out of a straw to keep your teeth whiter.

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