Monday, September 26, 2011

Forward Progress

I'm so happy I'm starting to feel better. It's really hit or miss now some days are great and some days are still pretty bad.
If you can work out, I encourage you to just do something. Even a walk can make you feel so much better. It feels good to finally get out a walk or do something on the days I feel okay.

I know most of you girls all workout who follow my blog, but if you have lost any motivation I highly encourage you to move even a little.  I think sometimes if you are hard core into working out and your workouts have to be intense at least 1 hour, if you are not 100% or don't have the full time, it can be easy to just then do nothing.

Don't forget that ever little bit counts so even if you can't get in your normal workout routine or your full workout time, even a set of lunges, squats, and bathroom counter push ups while getting ready still do count. Something is always better than nothing.
Life is just too fun not to take care of your body to enjoy it to the fullest :)
Get out and move your body you won't regret it.

oh one more thing...if you are struggling with an aversion to healthy food like I have been- moving can actually help. It's amazing how starting to do one thing to make yourself feel good can effect other areas of your life as well. It's a lot like chaos and a messy house.  If you just make your bed or clean one room, it can spill over into cleaning and bringing order to everything. However, if you let one are get out of control it can be easy to let lots of areas get messy and out of control.

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